Our Mission

Danza Ketzal is a Mexican Indigenous performing arts group and school based in Minneapolis, MN.

Our Mission

At Danza Ketzal, we maintain ancient dance tradition alive for generations to come. As an international leader in Aztec Dance we are the cultural bearers of oral traditions and Indigenous medicine. Over the past 30 years Ketzal has provided opportunities for Twin Cities youth and their families to realize their cultural identity through the practice of dance and group leadership.

What We’ve Achieved

  • First Mexican Indigenous Group to dance at Minneapolis Aquatennial, Awarded Best Performance, Princess Award, and Best of Show Award

  • Twin Cities Monarch Festival’s Premiere Performance group

  • Minnesota Timberwolves Half Time Performers for NBA’s “Noches Éne Bé A”

  • NCAA Big 10 Basketball Men’s and Women’s Finals Halftime Performers

  • Twin Cities Pride Parade Leaders 2016

  • Performers in International “Espíritu del Planeta” Spirit of the Planet Festival, 2018. Italy & Scotland.

  • Sheila E. “A Tribute to Prince” Guest Artists at Orchestra Hall

  • COMPAS Global Artists 2006 to Present

  • University of Minnesota Partners in Chicano & Latino Studies for Day of the Dead.

  • Twin Cities Public Television 50th Anniversary Performing Artists